Unselfish Love

by | Jul 7, 2023 | Encouragement, Stephen

I Love To People Watch

Nestled in a cozy corner of a coffee shop in Chicago, I sipped a frothy Venti Almond Milk Toffee-Nut Mocha with my nose in my Bible. I spent time talking with Jesus and reflecting on the Words on the pages that mean so much to my life. Taking a quick break, I glanced up and noticed a woman enter the store. What stood out to me was that she was carrying a conversation with what seemed to be an invisible audience because no one was with her. She looked so intentional, poised and confident, as if she were a keynote speaker at a Fortune 500 Company’s National Sales Conference. It appeared to me as if she had not showered for days. By her clothes and body language, it seemed that she could be homeless and possibly dealing with some sort of mental illness, such as schizophrenia. I continued to casually watch as she continued to speak animatedly into the air, then sip on a donated coffee, and follow that with a bite of a complimentary banana. I detected a sadness in her eyes as her conversations carried on.

As I continued to sit comfortably in my seat, I shifted my gaze through a freshly cleaned window. My eyes caught attention to a few cigarette smokers passing by exigently on their way to work. I could see their minds scrolling through their never ending “to-do” list, pondering in and out of all the pressing issues of life during every inhale and exhale. I am not a mind-reader, obviously, but it was as if I could hear their thoughts through their actions. I observed: “How do I be a better parent? A better spouse? A better friend? Why do I feel like I don’t fit in?” Another half of the passersby were completely absorbed by their smart phones that they held tightly in their hand, looking as if their minds had slowly eroded into a world of numbness and palpable disconnection.

Now my mind was spinning. I contemplated my interpretation of what I think I know about all these people, and how I want so desperately to help all of them. I ask myself, “What is more important to me, all this business knowledge stored in my brain that has helped me be a successful sales professional; or what real Truths from the Word of God are embedded in my heart that compel me to want to unselfishly help and love people like Jesus Christ did for me?”

I’m A Game Show Guest

With a sense of desperation and urgency, here begins the daunting quest for ultimate answers. Somewhat like a game show participant on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, the ultimate query arises: How can an individual such as me demonstrate unselfish love to all mankind like Jesus did? Managing the daily demands of life is hard enough, let alone the desire to show unselfish love and compassion towards others.

Mental illness and physical disabilities are usually not a choice for individuals. However, I was not sure about the woman I saw in Starbucks. I reflected on …

  • Did she have a supported chance at life with the choices she or her family made?
  • Was she loved unconditionally and unselfishly?
  • Did she have the opportunity to rise above the pervasive atmosphere of wrongdoing and deception or not?
  • Was there a point in her life where she surrendered to the noise, rush, and negativity of bullying, criticism, and self-deprecation?

From what God’s Word says, none of our minds were equipped to handle all of the weights and heavy burdens that try to beset us. God never designed us to do life on our own, without Him or community, although we often try to do so. If we are not able to manage the mental and spiritual attacks in life it will eventually manifest sickness and disease in our minds, on our bodies, or both.

At this point, I had to “land the plane” because I had become a bit overwhelmed with all of this thought combined with the people watching I was entangled in. My heart had been moved with compassion, but my mind needed a break. Ironically, I had about 20 minutes before having to attend a Fortune 500 Company National Sales Meeting myself.

Life Is Fragile

As I finished my last few sips of coffee, I couldn’t help but think of how just one day presents all the situations it does. Seriously, within a fleeting second, one bad choice could potentially ruin not only my life, but also a life of another, highlighting the fragility of our existence. I am telling you right now life has to be intentional and we have to be ready to buckle up and pin our ears back and fight every day. We need to place God’s wisdom above all else and understand there are no neutral exchanges in life. The choices, words, and actions we choose for ourselves and how we treat others will either build-up or tear-down. We have a choice.

Most people to do not understand or even consider the fact that there are spiritual dark forces trying to misdirect our hearts towards having more faith in ourselves than faith in God. In willful ignorance, many people overlook the spiritual significance of our choices, words, and actions and attempt to carry the burdens that want to bury us before our time. I honestly admit that I lack the personal strength to consistently uphold the very principles and convictions I believe in. In fact, I frequently stumble and falter in my own use of words. So, do I just focus on myself and give up on the people? Heavens no! I need a Savior and I have one. Jesus!!

We all must come to terms with the fact that we are responsible and accountable for our choices, words, and actions. It’ is crucial for us to make a deliberate decision to recognize the profound impact our words have on ourselves and others. There are unseen forces that hold more power than the visible ones and are primarily activated through choices, words and actions. I understand this may sound absurd to some, but there exists an invisible realm where forces go beyond our own human capacities, and this force is fueled either by faith or fear.

Personally, for me, I have chosen to cultivate a faith-driven strength within me which has dramatically changed the way I speak, think, and operate. I went from dropping “F-bombs” in every sentence, as a young adult, to not even thinking of that word anymore. What now lives within me has bridled my tongue and transformed the way to choose, act, and speak. It’ is no longer I that I live, but Jesus Christ lives in me (Gal 2:20).

In closing, think about this. The Holy Spirit of God inspired and recorded this in scripture; “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). The Word is actually a person, Jesus. The immeasurable unselfish love God has demonstrated through His Words produced and created the Son of man and Savior of all. He showcased the possibility of achieving the seemingly unachievable through words. Jesus (the Word) himself overcame the greatest challenge anyone of us face. He left His rightful place in heaven by becoming a fleshly human and fully demonstrated the power of choices, words and actions through the toughest of times and succeeded!! How tough? Let me tell you.

Jesus (the Word), willingly offered himself to be put on public display. He voluntarily permitted the very individuals He was sent to redeem to brutally mutilate and crucify His physical body to the point of being unrecognizable unto His last dying breath. Yes, if you want to talk about the greatest organ donation the world has ever seen, this is it! In fact, after all of His flesh was horribly ripped to shreds, His perfect blood poured out of His body onto a sin-stained world as He (the Word) became sin itself for us (2 Cor 5:21). Then He (the Word) was buried in a tomb. Mysteriously, for three full days underground, Jesus (the Word), through the word of His power went to hell and defeated all the powers of death and hell (Rev 1:18). The words of His power did not stop there. Jesus (the Word) then rose from the dead! You can’t tell me words are not powerful! This is amazing stuff! Hundreds of people witnessed the slain man, the Messiah, whom they watched die on the cross, now risen from the dead. The Word was recreated in flesh again! This time, never to die again. Now that is unselfish love! This is the life we all can and must receive to be recreated in Him (the Word).

I will end with this post with by paraphrasing of a piece of scripture from Isaiah 58:13b-14. “If you stop chasing your own desires, serving your own interests, and speaking empty words, you will find Joyful Bliss that comes from serving God.” The Lord said, “I will cause you to prosper and be carried triumphantly over the high places of the land.”

Stay tuned for more blog posts, and I encourage you to read them over several times if needed. Look up the scripture references and read them slowly and intentionally. Reflect on them. The Holy Spirit can and will do wonders beyond what you can ask or imagine. I promise, if you devote some time to Him and understand His Word, He will reciprocate with blessings.