Jealousy, The Hidden Monster

by | Jan 22, 2024 | Bible Verse, Encouragement, Stephen

Proverbs 27:4: “wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?”

Have you met, do you live with or are you one of those individuals who lack control over their temper? You know, those people whose veins pop out of their neck over minor issues.

Being around people like this sucks. Scripture suggests that being married to someone like this is compared to living in the desert.

What could be worse than that? Proverbs 27:4 says something is worse than outbursts of anger. It is jealousy. Because it is an unprovoked emotion that wells up from within a person. Jealousy can overrun a person to the point of wanting to hurt someone else or themselves. This is never something to take lightly but needs to be dealt with immediately.

Jealousy can be a hidden carousel of thought and emotions that are not easily detected to the outside eye. It disguises itself in different ways, such as false humility. While anger is easily visible during those intense and explosive moments, people can’t see the jealous person coming, because they are scheming and stewing it within themselves. It is scary scary stuff.

I confess. I have been on both sides of these issues. I have been angry and scared the crap out of my family. I have had those jealous moments that have lingered in my mind, sucking away time I can never get back. I thank God every day, just like Paul the Apostle did, for Jesus’ victory over these vicious attacks of the enemy.

Romans 8:1–2 (New Spirit-Filled Life Bible)

  1. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 
  2. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

Jealousy is a robber of the quality of life needed to sustain joy. This hidden monster attempts to torment people out of existence.

Two main actions to take:

1. Control your anger. To get the best results meditate on this scripture link below, and ask God to reveal the dark places that may trigger certain reactions that you would like to change and have victory over.

2. Eliminate jealousy; it’s a spiritual fight. Jealousy is malevolent, seeking to dismantle your faith, family, and friendships. This scripture provides a straightforward remedy for triumph, so invest time and meditate on it and seek God’s guidance to unveil the insights of your heart, enabling you to clearly perceive the Word of His power.

Let this blog post be a significant life coaching lesson for us all: for those grappling with jealousy, there is hope for healing, restoration, and completeness through God. He is your Revealer of your true identity which is in Christ Jesus. Jealousy has to be dealt with on a spiritual level and God is the only source of receiving an enduring sense of wholeness vital for a good life.

However, ignoring and justifying jealousy, as many people do, leads to awful and destructive consequences, including pushing the people you love away. Jealousy turns Godly partnerships and friendships into enemies. Who in their ever-loving mind would want that? The crucial point is don’t give in to jealousy and most importantly surrender it to Jesus Christ.