Eyes Of Faith

by | Jul 17, 2023 | Christian, Encouragement, Sandy

It’s so easy to be distracted by what we see (or don’t see) happening.  But as believers we need to develop our eyes of FAITH. 

I heard a quote that illustrates this point, “You have to see it in your mind before you can hold it in your hand.”  I believe that God has given us our imagination as a tool in our weapon belt of faith.  Use your imagination to feed your faith.  “See” yourself well.  “See” your child succeeding.  “See” your business thriving.  You have to see it inside your heart with your eyes of faith before you’ll see it with your physical eyes.

It’s important that we can see beyond our current situation with our eyes of faith.  

Have you ever been going about your day and suddenly you feel like you got a message from Heaven?  This happened to my daughter, Olivia the other day.  She planted some avocado seeds in our planter garden out back.  Each morning she faithfully goes out to water and tend to them.  One morning she came in with a strange look on her face.  She glanced over at me and could tell I was questioning her expression.  She said, “Wow!  I just got a lesson from God!”  

Wait! God said What?

I said, “Wait!  What did he say?!!  Tell me everything!”  She said that as she was checking on the seeds she thought to herself, “Gosh it’s so frustrating to see NO growth!”  Suddenly, God broke into her train of thought and said, “Just because you can’t see any change doesn’t mean nothing is happening.”

Whoa! What a lesson right?!  Isn’t this the life of faith that God is longing for us to lead?  A life where we aren’t moved by what we see going on around us, good or bad.  Our job is to hold fast to His promises by seeing them on the inside & declaring them over our situations.  

How Can The Eyes Of Faith Help Me See What Isn’t There?

The most powerful way to help your heart “see” good things is to focus your attention on a promise from God in that area.  For example, Jeremiah 30:17 says, “I will restore back your health and heal your wounds.”  If you are struggling with pain or an issue in your physical body begin to focus your attention on this promise of God. 

Begin to SEE God restoring your health and healing your wounds like this verse states.  Picture yourself doing things you can’t physically do right now.  Make this the predominant image you hold of yourself in your heart.  Don’t allow yourself to focus on what you can’t do, continually bring your mind’s eye back to images of God restoring your health. 

Then thank him!  Out loud begin to declare, “Father, thank you that you are restoring my health and healing my wounds!”  When you say what God says and begin to see with the eyes of faith things begin to change.  Just because you can’t see any change doesn’t mean nothing is happening!!  Just don’t give up, this is the fight of faith!  

When you bite down on this concept, see your desired end result with your eyes of faith and refuse to let it go you will eventually hold it in your hand!